Friday, April 28, 2017

HB 1656 : More about transportation

Following the same topic of my first article, I would like to write about massive transportation in Austin, and, specifically about a bill that has been presented to the House Representatives by the Democratic House Representive of El Paso Celia Israel.
During her presentation in the Capitol on April 21st,  she mentioned a bill proposed called “Bus on Shoulders”, which proposes the ‘operation of a public transit motor bus by certain mass transit entities on an improved shoulder’ or HB 1656 during the 85th Legislative Session. Capital Metro Transit Authority (CMTA) also supports this bill in their report denominated ‘Peak Period Shoulder Use of UrbanExpressways’. This report explains how cities like Minneapolis, St Paul, San Diego, Ohio, Miami and others deal with traffic. It makes an analysis about cost-safety-benefit for the city and the people who would use the buses running through the main corridors like I-35, Loop 1 or US-183.
Rep. Israel proposed the same project during the 84th legislation under the HB 1324, but it died in the Senate. The project of the HB 1656 tries to benefit five counties and it plans to take effect on September1, 2017. Per the presentation of the representative Israel, this project is looking forward to alleviate the traffic in Austin, create a mass transportation culture for the locals and the new residents and, a very important point; it does not represent extra cost for the government because the highways shoulders already exist.

I totally support this initiative that provides solutions instead of create a positive environment where the city, citizens, residents and the environment can be helped at the same time.  Right now, this bill is left pending in committee, but I hope that can be passed to the Senate and approved soon.

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